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Nothing says forever quite like the gift of a diamond. Whether for your engagement, wedding, anniversary, or just simply to day I love you, any of our loose diamonds will very quickly become the most stunning gift you have even given.

Color, clarity, carat and cut are the four most important characteristics when it comes to selecting the ideal loose diamond, and we take them all very seriously. From exquisite white, blue and black diamonds, to radiant yellow, green, silver, champagne diamonds and beyond, whether you’re interested in marquise, pear, oval, emerald, princess or heart shape cut, our extensive selection of loose diamonds is available in more than 15 striking shades.

Regardless of your budget or previous diamond knowledge, at Alpha Imports we want to make certain that you find the loose diamond you are looking for. If you need assistance at anytime, our knowledgeable diamond experts are always here to help you select the perfect diamond for you or that special someone in your life.

As with everything we sell here at Alpha imports, including wholesale diamonds, we guarantee your complete satisfaction with any loose diamond purchase. Order online today or give us a call at 800-56-ALPHA for more information on our loose diamonds for sale.
All of our color diamonds are treated,enhancement methods used are irradiation

http://www.alphaimports.com/diamonds-c-11.html Loose Diamonds
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Certified Diamonds
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White Diamonds
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Blue Diamonds
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Black Diamonds
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Champagne Diamonds
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Yellow Diamonds
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Canary Diamonds
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Green Diamonds
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Cognac Diamonds
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Orange Diamonds
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Brown Diamonds
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Silver Diamonds
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Pink Diamonds
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Coffee Diamonds
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Cream Diamonds
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Multicolor Diamonds
Moissanite Synthetic
Moissanite Synthetic
Diamond Deals and Steals
Diamond Deals and Steals
 New Products For February
0.005 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1 mm)
0.005 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1 mm)
0.0065 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.1 mm)
0.0065 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.1 mm)
0.0075 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.2 mm)
0.0075 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.2 mm)
0.01 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.3 mm)
0.01 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.3 mm)
0.0125 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.4 mm)
0.0125 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.4 mm)
0.015 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.5 mm)
0.015 Carat White Diamond I1 Clarity (1.5 mm)